Aeryn, Aeryn, Bo-Beryn, Banana-Fana-Fo-Feryn



This is at a company picnic. As a matter of fact I think it was when Aeryn was visiting me before he moved to DC.
He was probably bored because he couldn't find anything to put on his head.


This is just Aeryn. The light in our lab is crappy so the color is all wrong.

For some reason he has a habit of putting things on his head.


Almost anything on his head...
This halo is a plastic ring that would fit on the edge and in the groove of a paint can to seal it up.


This was at a party at his old boss's house (Hillary Godwin). Once again it was entirely random.
Thankfully Hillary had a camera.


This may be my favourite (though I'm fond of the halo effect). We were out camping with some friends when the urge struck. The red, white and blue over his head remind me of a French flag. I love the goofy image (of him and his helmet) as a french revolutionary.